Who doesn’t love to just up andwander around to places, discover something new, experience days outside their monotonous routines? Who wouldn’t love a backpacking trip through the enchanting trails in Hawaii or explore the wilderness of Canada or go MIA to experience a distinct culture of a distinct country far away? We all love our trips and adventures. It is your safety, though, that concerns us. Safety while traveling to a foreign soil, safety while unraveling anothervillage not visible on the map. A crook doesn’t really wait untilyou are done enjoying yourself. Criminals have a tendency to attack the unaware and unsuspecting ones. It should be a must-do to know about a country, its norms, ongoing dilemmas, and most importantly the crime rates. Acknowledging that here is a list of top 10 countries with highest crime rates for you to make a careful choice for future traveling options.
This South American country, with a crime index of 77.27, is known for its beaches as well as its violent crimes. In the month of January alone, 872 serious crimes were recorded. These crimes affect the locals and tourists alike.
Crimes ranging from murders, attacks, robberies and even kidnapping, can make a visit to the sister islands unless safetymeasures are taken beforehand, a rather unpleasant one. The more dangerous areas include Port of Spain, South Belmont, Englishman’s Bay, Maracas Bay, and King Peter’s Bay.
In 2012, this Central American country was reported to have the highest murder rate in the world. With a crime index of 77.58, the crimes extend to murders and illegal drug trade.
The country has the presence of some prominent gangs. The high rate of corruption is said to be the main reason why it is easy to get away with such heinous crimes. Even though the crime rate hasfallen evidently from where it stood in 2012, there is much tochange. We can only hope that the crime rate continues to fall and we can go backpacking all over Honduras enjoying its beautiful beaches and the enchanting landscapes.
8 Guatemala
Another Central American country, Guatemala is home to rainforests, ancient sites, and volcanoes. Along with the serene sites, the country is home to various serious crimes with a crime index of 77.91 and a history of civil wars.Corruption is probably one of the biggest challenges the country continues to face. Only a couple of years back, a political crisis shook the country and another corruption-coated political crisis flared in August this year. Other crimes include transport of illegal drugs, human trafficking, money laundering, and kidnapping. Some dangerous criminal gangs are believed to be the reason behind these organized crimes.
This South American country is not only famous for its iconic Christ statue but also for its rising violence. With an average of 150 murders each day, Brazil is facing serious security issues. With various violent gangs operating in the country, the crime ranges from murders, illegal trades, trafficking, and robberies.The crime clad country has been a favorite amongst movie directors to depict crimes, guns, and gangs. After hosting Olympics last year and Zica virus panic, the situation took aturn for worse with shootouts and increase in drug-trafficking. Even with various military operations in place, things aren’t looking better and there is much work to do for the Government in concern with these never-ending crimes.
Nigeria, a country in West Africa, with a crime index of 78.17, is one of the most dangerous countries in the world when it comes to kidnapping, r